Dates which is popularly known as dabino in the northern part of Nigeria is a delicious fruit with great attributes and benefits such as relief from constipation, intestinal disorders, heart problems, anemia, sexual dysfunction, diarrhea, abdominal cancer, and many other conditions.
Dandruff is a scalp condition which results to the appearance of flakes of skin. Dandruff could be a quite common condition, that is marked by itching. In some cases it is embarrassing and hard to treat.

Get clear skin changes with aging, and this is normal, but some external and internal factors lead to the acceleration of these changes, known as the aging of the skin.

Tomatoes or tomato, characterized by red rows of mostly a soft texture, love by adults and children. Tomatoes are used in every homes for the preparation of different varieties of

Cactus is known as the prickly pear, which is of high nutritional value and health plants, as it contains a large number of materials important to human health and the elements, also has
Look after yourself, beautify skin and protect trademarks of time, this can be quite simple,

Vaginal scabies can be as a result of any underlying cause and if prompt measure is not taken, it can get out of hand and also lead to something serious. There are so many simple remedies for vaginal scabies one can use at home to solve this embarrassing problem.

An itchy vagina is a really embarrassing thing most adult females have one time or the other have experienced. There are multiple reasons for itchy vagina ranging from contact with incommodious tissues that causes irritation to the vagina lining or infection. Sometimes, it could be diagnosed as a bacterial infection; prompt measures must be taken to eliminate the pathogens to ensure that the normal flora of the genital tract is brought back. Mild cases of vagina itchy can be handed effectively at home, while serious case will require doctor medical prescriptions. 

Home Remedies for Vaginal Itching
1. High Hygiene Must be Maintained 

Maintenance of vaginal hygiene:
  • Bathing and also change your under-garments regularly (in case of an active infection twice a day is not over rated).
  • Use cotton underwear instead of wearing panty-hose which will irritate.
  • Do not use high fragrance soap as it can start or intensify scabies due to the chemicals present. The use soap with a gentle aroma better idea.
  • The excessive washing of the vagina may cause skin dryness which will result to itching.  
  • Proper washing hands both before and after toileting
  • Wiping out the vagina all the way back to the anus. This can reduce the chances of occurrence of bacterial infection.

2. Use Yogurt

Probiotic foods can help in early restoration of the normal vaginal flora. Yogurt provides live cultures of Lactobacillus acidophilus (which is the human friendly bacteria) and it support the normal flora of the vagina. Super per-fusion of bacteria and yeast result escalated itching that where yogurt saves the day and balance the ratio that is existing. You can either eat yogurt to promote PH balance in your body or you can apply the yogurt in the vagina area. 

3. Deactivate Anger

Be care while buying products with fragrance such as toilet roll, feminine wash, detergents and the likes. Perfume products like hygiene sprays and douches may also aggravate symptoms if chemical irritants did not prevent and may totally start itching in some cases. Heat can as well raise itching.

4. Medication

If you notice that you have a really dry vaginal tissue, the use or application of over the counter (OTC) corticosteroid cream could just be a soft landing spot. Oral anti-histamine helps to great extent women who are suffering from excessive itchy vagina. Medication cannot be totally ignored out.

5. Water intake

Yes water!!! As less important as water is to so many people in terms of treating illnesses and diseases. The intake of water helps to hydrate the body and as a result prevent vaginal dryness. That is what they all ask. And the answer to that is 'yes'; sometimes the simplest things can cure the complicated questions. Lack of water intake can result in dehydration which can lead to troublesome consequences such as vaginal dryness. Minimizing consumption of  water is preventable cause of itching and irritated tissue from the vagina, which can result in a painful sex. So drink at least 8 glasses of water each day will help you maintain the health of your genital system.

6. Other tips that may help you

  •  Say no to bubble baths, spermicidal gels, sanitary towels that has fragrance and several kind of chemical irritant.
  •  Avoid the act of douching and soaping your vagina. It provides a rooms for bad bacteria to cause itching as good is cut in pieces, try to use hot water to wash instead.
  • Avoid wearing clothes while sleeping and if it is not a big deal to avoid wearing it at all until your itching catches. However, if you must, then go to clean cotton underwear.
  • Try to avoid sex until your itching stops. Use of condoms can always turn out to be the best and can help in preventing any opportunities STDs infection.
  • Consult your doctor if itching continues as its essential mark the lower kaĆ­zokaj sometimes the cause is more serious than you think. If he maintains treated, complications associated with fertility may occur.

When to consult a physician

Call your health provider immediately in the following conditions:
  • If your appetite or thirst increases.
  • If you lose weight unexpectedly.
  • If you feel like urinating frequently.
  • If you feel tired.
  • If you have ulcers and blisters on your vulva or vagina.
  • If you feel a burning sensation while urinating or other complications during urinating.
  • If your partner also go through symptoms and you suspect you have STDs infection.
  • If the symptoms persist, keep appearing even after personal care or continue for more than a week.