Applying Oils to the Navel (Belly or Tummy Button)

The umbilicus known as navel is also refer to as the belly button, or tummy button is a hollowed area on the abdomen at the attachment site of the umbilical cord.
Navel is one of the most sensitive areas in the human body and therefore requires you to take care of,  for it many functions. The abdomen can be exposed to the infection due to lack of personal hygiene, result in leakage of sweat and other substances in the navel cavity on a daily basis. Moreover, this moist area makes it an environment suitable for the growth of bacteria, yeast and other symptoms include itching, inflammation and pain but natural remedies such as oils can help you.
Click here for more information on the 12 Aromatic Oils And Their Importance

Benefits of applying oils to the navel

Moisturizing the skin:
If you suffer from dry skin on the abdomen that makes the skin dull. Once you massage your belly with natural oils can reduce the dryness of the skin in the winter by a large percentage. Oils that you can use for this purpose include olive oil and coconut oil. Applied to the palm of your hands to massage the abdomen once out of the bathroom.
Elimination of dirt:
Always try to keep yourself clean and it is not uncommon to forget the navel. In fact, the dirt can accumulate in the navel if its not properly cleaned and oil. To  enables you to achieve these, you will need a piece of cotton and light oils such as grape seeds or jojoba oil. These oils relieve the accumulated dirt and help you remove them easily with the help of a cotton piece and gently clean the navel.
Treatment of infections:
The navel it is very easy to get dirty due to accumulation of dirt, sweat and so on. Oiling can be an ideal analgesic to resist bacteria. Germs and bacteria result in infection. Infection can occur in this area easily and for infection resistance you can combine mustard oil, coconut oil and tea tree oil to help you easily prevent infections because these three oils help you possess antibacterial and fungal properties. You should apply either of them to the navel twice a day until the infection is cured.
Relieves menstrual pain:
Women suffer from menstrual cramps and pain during the menstrual cycle is the worst feeling because it disrupts the daily schedule. You can use the appropriate oils on the navel and preferably these oils diluted such as sage oil, peppermint oil, pine oil, ginger oil because it has the characteristics of pain relief. Massage the belly button with any of these oils to relieve menstrual pain to heal from cramps.
Treatment of stomach pain:
If you suffer from stomach pain. You can try applying the oil to the navel and offering some relief. This treatment is especially suitable for pain caused by common stomach diseases such as food poisoning, indigestion, diarrhea. One of the best oils you can choose for this purpose is ginger oil, peppermint oil, but before applying it, make sure to blend it into a conveyor oil such as almond oil or olive oil.
Balance of the abdomen:
According to traditional medicine reports you can apply natural oils as a vital source of energy and deepening the skin. So you need to weigh the navel and the best oils you can use for this purpose rosewood, pine wood, and massage the abdomen once.
Increase fertility:
The umbilical cord is directly associated with increased fertility. You can massage your belly to increase fertility, especially with healthy oils that enhance your fertility regardless of your sex. You can add carrier oil to essential oils such as juniper sage oil, guava leaf oil. These oils achieve the desired results. It helps men maintain healthy sperm and treat menstrual problems in women and regulate hormones.

Natural ways to clean and protect the abdomen from the infection:

Warm Salt Water:
Warm salty water is one of the natural treatments to prevent the infection of the abdominal cavity when applied to the affected area with a piece of cotton in warm salt water and wipe the abdomen. The heat acts on the blood flow to the affected area. While salt acts as an antiseptic that prevents the growth of the infection, which prevents the growth of bacteria and thus helps in healing. After application of warm salt water apply a non-water-based antibacterial cream because it causes bacterial growth and causes skin clogging. You need to repeat this process twice a week for good results.
Turmeric is another effective treatment in the treatment of abdominal infections. It contains anti-inflammatory substances, reduces itching, rashes by treating infections and prevents future relapse. Apply turmeric paste on the belly three times a day and a little honey to a cup of hot milk and eat daily to promote internal healing to give convincing results.
Coconut Oil :
Coconut oil possesses anti-inflammatory properties and provides relief from the itching, pain and inflammation associated with this disease. Applying some of the warm coconut oil to the infected belly can effectively prevent infection and prevent the growth of bacteria and fungus.
White vinegar:
White vinegar is an effective ingredient in stopping the bleedin. White vinegar contains 7% acetic acid. This acidity of white vinegar restricts the growth of microorganisms. To apply it, you can soak cotton balls in the white vinegar mixture with a double amount of warm water and apply it to the affected area. Leave it for 10 to 15 minutes before rinse with warm water and rub the area completely dry. Repeating it three times a day can give good results.
Cactus Gel has a calming effect that helps reduce pain, itching and inflammation associated with abdominal inflammation. For good results you can apply some fresh gel by opening the cactus and extracting the gel for use in cleaning the abdomen and repeat it three times a day to get a quick recovery.
Tea tree oil:
Tea tree oil is an effective natural remedy for the infection of the abdomen. It works as an antimicrobial, fungus and antiseptic. This helps in the treatment of yeast infections that can be passed by mixing 4 - 5 drops of tea tree oil with a teaspoon of olive oil or coconut oil, dipping a cotton piece inside and leaving it for 10 minutes and then wiping with a clean piece and repeat it three times a day to get better results.


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