Keto: Cabbage Garri aka Flakes Recipe

Keto: Cabbage Garri aka Flakes recipe
Keto diet like we already know is a low carb (carbohydrates) diet and if you are a Nigerian, you sure know that most of our regular food start and end with carbs as the case maybe. To successfully practice Keto diet at it maximum best, creativity must play a vital role as yam, garri, bread, rice, semo, Irish and sweet potatoes are a big NO as they are not Keto compliant.
Click here for more information on the New Trend called Ketogenic Diet
Most people are willing to go the Keto way but, how to go about the no or low carb is the challenge that has discouraged and prevented so many and those contemplating are not left out.
Like I said earlier, creativity does it with Keto. Be ready to play around with the limited Keto compliant food at your reach and you will be good to go.
Cabbage is a veggie that you can not ignore if you are on Keto diet. Loads of recipes are flying everywhere, from cabbage rice, swallow, moi-moi to cabbage garri.
Will share the cabbage garri recipe. It is so easy to make and taste yummmy too.

Cabbage Garri Recipe


  • Cabbage
  • Milk or mayonnaise (Keto compliant)
  • Stevia(optional)


  1. Wash cabbage toughly.
  2. Cut cabbage.
  3. Blend cabbage in a blender till it's smooth.
  4. Squeeze out the water completely from the cabbage.
  5. Add milk or mayonnaise.
  6. Also add stevia for sweeten and your cabbage garri is ready.

Note: Cabbage has this smell that most people can't stand. Well, white vinegar will do the magic. Wash the cabbage using white vinegar. Cabbage garri can be enjoyed with groundnuts or cashew nuts.
Have tried cabbage garri before?
Will be glad to read your questions and comments.

1 comment:

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