DIY: How to Make Dabino (Dates) Syrup

Image Source: Tori Avey
Dates are packed with vitamins and rich source of iron. It facilitates fight against constipation(consists of natural fibre), helps deal with anemia and a good source of potassium.
Click for more information on Unbelievable Benefits of Dabino (Dates)
Dates can be eaten as stand alone snack before meal, eaten with coconut or added as an ingredient in smoothies.
Date is a very sweet fruit that is been used as a sweetener in recent times. Its gradually replacing the use of sugar and honey as sweeteners in most due to amazing benefits.
Dates can be gotten from stores or local markets as it comes in different variety fresh, dry, brown or red.
Date syrup can be used as a sweetener in place of sugar in your 8months+ baby, children's meals, smoothies and so on because of it delicious taste.
Date fruits
1. Remove seed from the dates and wash.
2. Soak the dates in 1 cup of hot water in a bowl for 10 minutes or more until it is soft.
Some dates needs more soaking, soak it until the dates are soft enough.
3. Heat it for 2 minutes and cooled down.
4. Mash the dates well with your hand or with spoon.
5. Use a small sieve or a cheese cloth to strain and squeeze out the juice completely out of the mashed dates.
Click for more information on DIY: How To Make Apple Cider Vinegar(ACV) Right In Your Home
6. Repeat the process with little water if necessary, then pour in a pan.
7. Place on low to medium heat and allow to boil.
8. Stir it occasionally to prevent burning at the bottom until it becomes quite dark, thick and reached a honey like consistency.
9. Turn off heat and viola your dates syrup is ready for use.
Note: Keep it refrigerated and consume with in few weeks.

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