Homemade Coconut flour (Nutritional Properties and Uses)

Coconut flour like its generally called is a product that is high in fiber. It contains all the fibers of the flesh of the coconut, but its fatty acid content is less, compared to coconut oil or coconut butter.
Coconut flour is often used for its texture and exotic flavor in gluten-free preparations, but it also hides many nutritional virtues.

Nutritional Properties

  1. As it is gluten-free, cholesterol-free and sensitive people can consume it.
  2. Vegetarians & vegans will notice that it contains 20% protein and contains the 8 essential amino acids.
  3. Coconut meal has a very low Glycemic Index (GI) of 35.
  4. It is low in fast sugars (14% versus about 70% for other flours that contain starch in addition).
  5. It is therefore ideal for those who pay attention to their blood glucose level (diabetics, those seeking to lose weight.)
  6. It is an extremely high fiber product is between 45 and 60g.
  7. Thanks to this feature, coconut flour helps intestinal transit, plays a role in a lifestyle that aims to reduce cholesterol and helps to accelerate the feeling of satiety.
  8. Coconut flour does not contain phytic acid (a substance found in cereal flours, which impedes the absorption of minerals in flours).
  9. It is rich in selenium, a trace element interesting for its high anti-free radical power.
  10. Manganese is very present in coconut flour. This trace element has the role of cofactor of a large number of nutrients, in particular the vitamins B8, C, B1, and especially SOD (Super Oxide Dismutase): an enzyme with very great anti-free radical power.
  11. Coconut flour contains lauric acid (in small amounts) which is a particular saturated fatty acid.
  12. Coconut meal contains iron in small quantities. This trace element can not be synthesized (manufactured) by our organism: our diet must therefore cover our iron needs. Much of the iron is found in our hemoglobin (blood), where it plays the role of oxygen carrier.

How to Make Your Homemade Coconut Flour

To make the coconut flour, the coconut oil is extracted through the process of making coconut oil that we all know, the leftover fibers that you have always thrown away is what you need to make your coconut flour. How nice, right! Nothing is wasted... #smiles
Here are the several steps to follow:
  • Get the leftover fibers gotten from the coconut oil.
  • Then degreased by pressure to remove oil.
  • Leave to dry in the sun or dry it in an oven.
  • And finally, ground it with a blender or grounding engine until it takes the form of a flour.
Image Source: Leelalicious

Uses of Coconut Flour

Due to the fact that coconut flour is high in fiber and does not contain gluten, it can not be used in pastry, just as wheat flour is used. These make it drinks a lot of moisture, has no elasticity and does not lift.
But don't be discourage by these unusual characteristics, coconut flour can be used in 1000 ways, you simply need to learn to tame it.
Coconut flour can be used:
  1. In smoothies, mixed with a vegetable milk (rice, oats, almond), one gets a drink (hot or cold) greedy & simple.
  2. In pastry, it can be mixed with other flours to make cakes, cookies, pancakes, waffles.
  3. In homemade bread. By replacing a little coconut flour (about 10%) with your usual flour mixture, you make your bread with an exotic aroma, sweet note, and lower the glycemic index of wheat.
  4. In swallow, the coconut flour can be prepared as swallow to be eaten with any soup of you choice. Little Psyllium husk must be added to achieve this process.
Note: The dosage of this flour is very important. Being very absorbent, ¼ of coconut flour is sufficient to replace 1 standard flour.
It is also suitable for replacing almond powder or oat bran in some gluten-free preparations.
10 g of coconut meal provide 21% of Recommended Daily Allowances (for an adult).


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