Rice water is a natural blend and beauty recipe that is at your reach in the comfort of your home without stress. Beauty parlors and spa uses natural based recipes from simple household ingredients available in your kitchen that you and I have commonised or lack any for of knowledge about. Regardless of the less effort of sourcing the ingredients used to prepare them, it sure costs fortune to get some cosmetic pampering products and recipes to treat skin problems even though you have always washed some of these natural blends down your drain. Funny right!

Rice water is one of the most important ingredients used in most health spa and its an aesthetic secrets of the East Asian countries, it is said to be the secret behind these pure and vibrant skin of Asian women. They religiously use water from their boiled regularly during aesthetic routines due of its many aesthetic benefits in skin and hair care.

Benefit of Rice Water for Skin Care
Here are some mind blowing benefit of rice water to your skin and how to use it.

  • Brightens your skin
  • Soothe sunburn
  • Shrinks pores size
  • Serves as skin toner
  • Treatment for eczema


1-Keep rice water in the refrigerator for at least two hours to cool completely. Then use rinse the face once a day. But be careful, it may dry out the skin, avoid dry skin. This gives you a glowing face.

2-Use a cotton to damp in rice water and apply it on your face let it air dry.

3- Apply this natural blend of cool off boiled rice water on the eczema affected area frequently to treat eczema.

4-Mix rice water, a little turmeric and a few drops of lemon juice to get a homogeneous mixture that helps lighten the skin colour.

5-Put two pieces of cotton in cold rice water, and use it on your eyelids to reduce black circles and eye wrinkles.

Benefits of Rice Water for Hair Care:
Rice water contains carbohydrates, which help repair damaged hair. It works to strengthen hair roots, to give you soft silky hair. It also helps to treat hair loss effectively.


1-Add a few drops of coconut or tea tree oil to rice water to enhance its aesthetic benefits. Rinse your hair with rice water with a gentle massage after using shampoo. Leave for 4-5 minutes, then rinse well with lukewarm water. Repeat twice a week to get the best results.

2-You can also replace rice water with normal water while on you daily hair routines to enhance its aesthetic benefits.

Within 3-4 weeks, you will notice for yourself reducing hair loss, while strengthening hair roots and increasing luster.


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