The Unbelievable Benefits of Tsamiya/ Tsamiya (Tamarind)

Tamarind popularly known as tsamiya/samiya in the northern part of Nigeria. As children growing up in the northern part of Nigeria tsamiya iced juice was a treat we look forward to giving ourselves during lunch break in school or our walk back home, not because of the benefits we know nothing about, but simply because of the sweet sour taste that refreshes in the hot scotching sun.
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Tamarind  is a fruit with hard brown peel that protects the sour encapsulated seeds. It is a legume which is the core of the fruits of evergreen tree. It is characterized by rapid growth, with the height of about three meters, yellow cluster shape flowers and leaves composite. It is said that the home of Tamarind is tropical Africa and tamarind has been known since ancient times in India and Egypt.
Tramarind contains a number of active substances, which are vitamin B3, vitamin C, antioxidants including carotene and minerals such as magnesium and potassiu, calcium, sodium, etc

Benefits of Tamarind 

Benefits of tamarind for skin and hair
Skin whitening :
The tamarind is packed with alpha hydroxyl acid and is an anti-blemish. It is used as a natural remedy to reduce blemishes, treat pigmentation and get a clear skin. It gives skin the effect of natural lightening. It is very useful for oily skin and you can use it three times a week to get a glowing complexion.
Peeling skin :
Tamarind is a rich source of alpha hydroxyl acids and is an essential ingredient in peeling cosmetics. It has a tremendous ability to remove dirt, impurities and deepen access to the cells and works to treat the blockage of pores.
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Natural Cellulite Treatment:
As we mentioned before the peeled tamarind is good. Regularity on the use of tamarind is helpful in cellulite concealment. It is also suitable only for oily skin.
Aging resistance:
Tamarind is packed with acids, antioxidants, fibers and vitamins that help fight free radicals that lead to premature aging.
Get rid of dark circles around the neck:
Tamarind can be used to treat dark circles. Some women suffer from dark circles around the neck and resorting to natural solutions is one of the natural components that have long-lasting effects.
Treatment of skin infections:
Tamarind contains vitamin C, vitamin A and antioxidants that act as a natural treatment for various skin infections and treatment of skin problems, including acne and pimples.
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Prevents  hair loss:
It is known that the Tamarind works to strengthen the hair and prevent hair loss.
Benefits of tamarind for health:
Good antiseptic: Tamarind is used as an antiseptic and works to heal wounds and prevent the spread of infection in the body.
Treatment of Jaundice and Ulcers: Tamarind leaves are used in the treatment of jaundice and ulcers.
Blood purification: Tamarind works to purify the blood, especially when drinking tamarind after daily meals.


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