Coconut flour like its generally called is a product that is high in fiber. It contains all the fibers of the flesh of the coconut, but its fatty acid content is less, compared to coconut oil or coconut butter.
Coconut flour is often used for its texture and exotic flavor in gluten-free preparations, but it also hides many nutritional virtues.

Nutritional Properties

  1. As it is gluten-free, cholesterol-free and sensitive people can consume it.
  2. Vegetarians & vegans will notice that it contains 20% protein and contains the 8 essential amino acids.
  3. Coconut meal has a very low Glycemic Index (GI) of 35.
  4. It is low in fast sugars (14% versus about 70% for other flours that contain starch in addition).
  5. It is therefore ideal for those who pay attention to their blood glucose level (diabetics, those seeking to lose weight.)
  6. It is an extremely high fiber product is between 45 and 60g.
  7. Thanks to this feature, coconut flour helps intestinal transit, plays a role in a lifestyle that aims to reduce cholesterol and helps to accelerate the feeling of satiety.
  8. Coconut flour does not contain phytic acid (a substance found in cereal flours, which impedes the absorption of minerals in flours).
  9. It is rich in selenium, a trace element interesting for its high anti-free radical power.
  10. Manganese is very present in coconut flour. This trace element has the role of cofactor of a large number of nutrients, in particular the vitamins B8, C, B1, and especially SOD (Super Oxide Dismutase): an enzyme with very great anti-free radical power.
  11. Coconut flour contains lauric acid (in small amounts) which is a particular saturated fatty acid.
  12. Coconut meal contains iron in small quantities. This trace element can not be synthesized (manufactured) by our organism: our diet must therefore cover our iron needs. Much of the iron is found in our hemoglobin (blood), where it plays the role of oxygen carrier.

How to Make Your Homemade Coconut Flour

To make the coconut flour, the coconut oil is extracted through the process of making coconut oil that we all know, the leftover fibers that you have always thrown away is what you need to make your coconut flour. How nice, right! Nothing is wasted... #smiles
Here are the several steps to follow:
  • Get the leftover fibers gotten from the coconut oil.
  • Then degreased by pressure to remove oil.
  • Leave to dry in the sun or dry it in an oven.
  • And finally, ground it with a blender or grounding engine until it takes the form of a flour.
Image Source: Leelalicious

Uses of Coconut Flour

Due to the fact that coconut flour is high in fiber and does not contain gluten, it can not be used in pastry, just as wheat flour is used. These make it drinks a lot of moisture, has no elasticity and does not lift.
But don't be discourage by these unusual characteristics, coconut flour can be used in 1000 ways, you simply need to learn to tame it.
Coconut flour can be used:
  1. In smoothies, mixed with a vegetable milk (rice, oats, almond), one gets a drink (hot or cold) greedy & simple.
  2. In pastry, it can be mixed with other flours to make cakes, cookies, pancakes, waffles.
  3. In homemade bread. By replacing a little coconut flour (about 10%) with your usual flour mixture, you make your bread with an exotic aroma, sweet note, and lower the glycemic index of wheat.
  4. In swallow, the coconut flour can be prepared as swallow to be eaten with any soup of you choice. Little Psyllium husk must be added to achieve this process.
Note: The dosage of this flour is very important. Being very absorbent, ¼ of coconut flour is sufficient to replace 1 standard flour.
It is also suitable for replacing almond powder or oat bran in some gluten-free preparations.
10 g of coconut meal provide 21% of Recommended Daily Allowances (for an adult).

The umbilicus known as navel is also refer to as the belly button, or tummy button is a hollowed area on the abdomen at the attachment site of the umbilical cord.
Navel is one of the most sensitive areas in the human body and therefore requires you to take care of,  for it many functions. The abdomen can be exposed to the infection due to lack of personal hygiene, result in leakage of sweat and other substances in the navel cavity on a daily basis. Moreover, this moist area makes it an environment suitable for the growth of bacteria, yeast and other symptoms include itching, inflammation and pain but natural remedies such as oils can help you.
Click here for more information on the 12 Aromatic Oils And Their Importance

Benefits of applying oils to the navel

Moisturizing the skin:
If you suffer from dry skin on the abdomen that makes the skin dull. Once you massage your belly with natural oils can reduce the dryness of the skin in the winter by a large percentage. Oils that you can use for this purpose include olive oil and coconut oil. Applied to the palm of your hands to massage the abdomen once out of the bathroom.
Elimination of dirt:
Always try to keep yourself clean and it is not uncommon to forget the navel. In fact, the dirt can accumulate in the navel if its not properly cleaned and oil. To  enables you to achieve these, you will need a piece of cotton and light oils such as grape seeds or jojoba oil. These oils relieve the accumulated dirt and help you remove them easily with the help of a cotton piece and gently clean the navel.
Treatment of infections:
The navel it is very easy to get dirty due to accumulation of dirt, sweat and so on. Oiling can be an ideal analgesic to resist bacteria. Germs and bacteria result in infection. Infection can occur in this area easily and for infection resistance you can combine mustard oil, coconut oil and tea tree oil to help you easily prevent infections because these three oils help you possess antibacterial and fungal properties. You should apply either of them to the navel twice a day until the infection is cured.
Relieves menstrual pain:
Women suffer from menstrual cramps and pain during the menstrual cycle is the worst feeling because it disrupts the daily schedule. You can use the appropriate oils on the navel and preferably these oils diluted such as sage oil, peppermint oil, pine oil, ginger oil because it has the characteristics of pain relief. Massage the belly button with any of these oils to relieve menstrual pain to heal from cramps.
Treatment of stomach pain:
If you suffer from stomach pain. You can try applying the oil to the navel and offering some relief. This treatment is especially suitable for pain caused by common stomach diseases such as food poisoning, indigestion, diarrhea. One of the best oils you can choose for this purpose is ginger oil, peppermint oil, but before applying it, make sure to blend it into a conveyor oil such as almond oil or olive oil.
Balance of the abdomen:
According to traditional medicine reports you can apply natural oils as a vital source of energy and deepening the skin. So you need to weigh the navel and the best oils you can use for this purpose rosewood, pine wood, and massage the abdomen once.
Increase fertility:
The umbilical cord is directly associated with increased fertility. You can massage your belly to increase fertility, especially with healthy oils that enhance your fertility regardless of your sex. You can add carrier oil to essential oils such as juniper sage oil, guava leaf oil. These oils achieve the desired results. It helps men maintain healthy sperm and treat menstrual problems in women and regulate hormones.

Natural ways to clean and protect the abdomen from the infection:

Warm Salt Water:
Warm salty water is one of the natural treatments to prevent the infection of the abdominal cavity when applied to the affected area with a piece of cotton in warm salt water and wipe the abdomen. The heat acts on the blood flow to the affected area. While salt acts as an antiseptic that prevents the growth of the infection, which prevents the growth of bacteria and thus helps in healing. After application of warm salt water apply a non-water-based antibacterial cream because it causes bacterial growth and causes skin clogging. You need to repeat this process twice a week for good results.
Turmeric is another effective treatment in the treatment of abdominal infections. It contains anti-inflammatory substances, reduces itching, rashes by treating infections and prevents future relapse. Apply turmeric paste on the belly three times a day and a little honey to a cup of hot milk and eat daily to promote internal healing to give convincing results.
Coconut Oil :
Coconut oil possesses anti-inflammatory properties and provides relief from the itching, pain and inflammation associated with this disease. Applying some of the warm coconut oil to the infected belly can effectively prevent infection and prevent the growth of bacteria and fungus.
White vinegar:
White vinegar is an effective ingredient in stopping the bleedin. White vinegar contains 7% acetic acid. This acidity of white vinegar restricts the growth of microorganisms. To apply it, you can soak cotton balls in the white vinegar mixture with a double amount of warm water and apply it to the affected area. Leave it for 10 to 15 minutes before rinse with warm water and rub the area completely dry. Repeating it three times a day can give good results.
Cactus Gel has a calming effect that helps reduce pain, itching and inflammation associated with abdominal inflammation. For good results you can apply some fresh gel by opening the cactus and extracting the gel for use in cleaning the abdomen and repeat it three times a day to get a quick recovery.
Tea tree oil:
Tea tree oil is an effective natural remedy for the infection of the abdomen. It works as an antimicrobial, fungus and antiseptic. This helps in the treatment of yeast infections that can be passed by mixing 4 - 5 drops of tea tree oil with a teaspoon of olive oil or coconut oil, dipping a cotton piece inside and leaving it for 10 minutes and then wiping with a clean piece and repeat it three times a day to get better results.

Aromatic oils have an amazing effect in the treatment of skin problems, especially with regard to the use of essential oils to tighten the skin and fight cellulite, you can use them to enhance your beauty and enjoy a nice smell also because these oils are made from original vegetable sources, making them part of traditional medicine.
Click here for more information on Applying Oil to your Navel.

Aromatic Oils And Their Importance

1. Grease Greyhound:
It is an oil that has a sweet scent quite similar to the scent of roses and is considered to be source from the geranium flower. It has been used for a long time in wound cleansing but also helps improve skin texture. Thanks to its holding properties, antiseptic, stimulant, diuretic, and other properties.
2. Rosemary oil:
One of the most popular aromatic oils is rosemary oil and it is used in cooking for its health benefits. Rosemary is an evergreen tree and offers many benefits, making it one of the best treatments for cellulite due to skin tightening and preventing the appearance of unwanted lines.
3. Lemon oil:
Lemon oil originates from India and is very popular because of its medicinal properties. It offers a wonderful citrus scent and is one of the most versatile oils. It provides powerful stimulant properties such as terpenes and citronella, thus helping to detoxify and promote blood circulation while some compounds inside are diuretic and reduce fluid retention.
4. Carrot seed oil:
Carrot seed oil is extracted from the dried seeds of wild carrot plant. It is one of the most appreciated and antiseptic essential oils, repellent, diuretic, these properties make it slows the aging process and keeps the skin moist. It is also a useful aromatic oil when it comes to tightening the skin until the stretch marks break down because it contains powerful antioxidants, detoxification properties, as well as releasing collagen production and promoting blood circulation.
5. Grapefruit oil:
Many benefits have been linked to grapefruit oil and it is recommended to be included in a healthy diet. It helps you eliminate toxins in the body, including synthetic drugs. You can use it in different ways including massage with diluted grapefruit oil with olive oil.
6. Cedar wood oil:
Cedar wood oil is made of cedar wood. Oil is extracted from leaves, bark, berries. Either through distillation or chemical extraction. This essential oil has been used to treat respiratory diseases and relieve nervous tension. However, it can also be used to balance the skin, cleanse it from impurities and eliminate excess fat.
7. Juniper oil:
Aromatic juniper oil is oils that hs a long history with treatment of various diseases in the long and short term because it is rich in antioxidants such as polyphenols and flavonoids. Juniper oil helps in the treatment of urine retention. It also helps in the treatment of swelling of the blood circulation and elimination of toxins that accumulate.
8. Celery seed oil:
Celery seed oil is a steamed cutter to crush celery seeds and its properties are wind-repellent, anti-convulsive, sedative, tonic for blood circulation. Celery seed oil helps you remove existing toxins in your body. It offers a range of other benefits such as support for relaxation and stimulation of the nervous system, sleep improvement, stimulant properties that clean the blood.
9. Pine oil:
Pine oil is known to have a great ability to resist infection and help the respiratory system to get rid of infection and relieve anxiety. When you apply topical pine oil it promotes blood circulation to support balanced levels of fluid in the skin and it is believed to help you get toxins out of the body. Pour pine oil with olive oil or coconut oil and use in massage all affected areas. If you have a frustrating varicose problem try massage these areas as it helps in removing the discomfort.
10. Orange oil:

Orange oil helps you increase metabolism and, with regular use it helps in weight lost. It is believed to help eliminate bad cellulite and also provides anti-inflammatory properties and detoxification.
11. Mint oil:
Aromatic mint oil is extracted by evaporation of the flower to provide comprehensive properties of the body of cleansing, anti-convulsions, wind-repellent, rich in stimulants, in addition to having a distinctive smell because of the amount of methanol. You can use mint oil for fat metabolism and is said to be more effective when Combine with grapefruit oil.
12. Fennel oil:
Fennel provides potent diuretic properties that help eliminate accumulated toxins and reduce the spread of water retention in the body's tissues and break down fatty deposits under the surface of the skin. You can use aromatic fennel oil in direct application on your skin and it become more effective when mixed with other oils.
Note: Always try to use essential oils safely. There is a need to choose the appropriate oils for you and in the event of any irritation stop using the oil. Even some oils are toxic and need not be exposed to sun. Aromatic oils should not be taken directly until proper verification, because some oils are unsafe for pregnant women.
Tamarind popularly known as tsamiya/samiya in the northern part of Nigeria. As children growing up in the northern part of Nigeria tsamiya iced juice was a treat we look forward to giving ourselves during lunch break in school or our walk back home, not because of the benefits we know nothing about, but simply because of the sweet sour taste that refreshes in the hot scotching sun.
Click here for more information on The Amazing Benefits of Pomegranate
Tamarind  is a fruit with hard brown peel that protects the sour encapsulated seeds. It is a legume which is the core of the fruits of evergreen tree. It is characterized by rapid growth, with the height of about three meters, yellow cluster shape flowers and leaves composite. It is said that the home of Tamarind is tropical Africa and tamarind has been known since ancient times in India and Egypt.
Tramarind contains a number of active substances, which are vitamin B3, vitamin C, antioxidants including carotene and minerals such as magnesium and potassiu, calcium, sodium, etc

Benefits of Tamarind 

Benefits of tamarind for skin and hair
Skin whitening :
The tamarind is packed with alpha hydroxyl acid and is an anti-blemish. It is used as a natural remedy to reduce blemishes, treat pigmentation and get a clear skin. It gives skin the effect of natural lightening. It is very useful for oily skin and you can use it three times a week to get a glowing complexion.
Peeling skin :
Tamarind is a rich source of alpha hydroxyl acids and is an essential ingredient in peeling cosmetics. It has a tremendous ability to remove dirt, impurities and deepen access to the cells and works to treat the blockage of pores.
Click here for more information on Benefits and Uses of Rice Water for Hair and Skin
Natural Cellulite Treatment:
As we mentioned before the peeled tamarind is good. Regularity on the use of tamarind is helpful in cellulite concealment. It is also suitable only for oily skin.
Aging resistance:
Tamarind is packed with acids, antioxidants, fibers and vitamins that help fight free radicals that lead to premature aging.
Get rid of dark circles around the neck:
Tamarind can be used to treat dark circles. Some women suffer from dark circles around the neck and resorting to natural solutions is one of the natural components that have long-lasting effects.
Treatment of skin infections:
Tamarind contains vitamin C, vitamin A and antioxidants that act as a natural treatment for various skin infections and treatment of skin problems, including acne and pimples.
Click here for more information on Unbelievable Benefits of Dabino (Dates)
Prevents  hair loss:
It is known that the Tamarind works to strengthen the hair and prevent hair loss.
Benefits of tamarind for health:
Good antiseptic: Tamarind is used as an antiseptic and works to heal wounds and prevent the spread of infection in the body.
Treatment of Jaundice and Ulcers: Tamarind leaves are used in the treatment of jaundice and ulcers.
Blood purification: Tamarind works to purify the blood, especially when drinking tamarind after daily meals.

The Amazing Benefits of Pomegranates
Pomegranate fruit is very beneficial for health, as it contains a range of plant nutrients that are unmatched in other foods. Many scientific studies have shown that pomegranate has incredible benefits for your body's health and can reduce the risk of all kinds of diseases as it has strong medical properties, most notably in the following!
Pomegranate is rich in nutrients
Pomegranate fruit contains hundreds of edible seeds that are rich in fiber, vitamins, minerals and biologically active botanical compounds, also contain some sugar.
One cup of pomegranate seeds contains:
Click here for more information on The Unbelievable Benefits of Tamarind (Tsamiya/Tsamiya)
  • Fiber: 7 grams.
  • Protein: 3 g.
  • Vitamin: C: 30%.
  • Vitamin: K: 36%.
  • Folic acid: 16%.
  • Potassium: 12%.
  • Sugar: 24 grams.
  • Calories.

Pomegranate and its medicinal properties
There are two unique substances in pomegranate responsible for most of the medical and health benefits of pomegranates:
Punicalagins: An extremely powerful antioxidant found in pomegranate and its said to be three times stronger than the antioxidants found in green tea.
Pomegranate seed oil: It is one of the most important fatty acids in pomegranate seeds and has an effective effect in public health.

Pomegranate and its anti-inflammatory properties

Chronic infections are major causes of many fatal diseases including heart disease, cancer, type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer's disease and even obesity.
Pomegranate contains strong anti-inflammatory properties.
Studies have shown that pomegranate can reduce infections in the gastrointestinal tract, as well as in breast cancer and colon cancer cells.
Pomegranate and anti-prostate cancer
Prostate cancer is the most common type of tumor in men, and there is preliminary evidence that pomegranate juice can be beneficial in men with prostate cancer, and pomegranate may inhibit cancer growth and reduce the risk of death, as laboratory studies have shown that pomegranate extract can slow reproduction of Cancer cells, or induce cancer cells to die.
Pomegranate to fight breast cancer
Laboratory studies have shown that pomegranate extracts can help fight breast cancer cells. Eating pomegranate or drinking pomegranate juice may help prevent the development of cancer cells in women's breasts or at least slow the growth of some types of breast cancer. In addition, pomegranate has anti-cancer benefits and maintains heart health thanks to its high antioxidant content.
Pomegranate to lower blood pressure
Regular intake of pomegranate juice reduces blood pressure levels in less than two weeks. Pomegranate juice is rich in tannic acid and has anti-atherosclerosis and anti-oxidant properties. It is known that there are some antioxidants that help to reduce blood pressure. The analysis found that consumption of pomegranate juice actually reduces systolic blood pressure, and that the fruit is good for heart health.
Pomegranate to combat arthritis and joint pain
Some studies have shown that pomegranate extract may be useful against several symptoms of inflammation and joint pain. Pomegranate pulp and juice have a positive effect on the heart and healthy joints. The benefits of pomegranate to the joints are due to the antioxidants they contain naturally. This fruit reduces the symptoms and pains of arthritis by calming tumors in this region and it prevents the production of destructive cartilage enzyme for the cells of the joints.
Pomegranate juice to reduce the risk of heart disease
Several studies have shown that pomegranate has benefits to prevent heart disease, as it improves the levels of good cholesterol in the blood. Pomegranate puts an end to many physical changes associated with heart disease and vascular disease. Pomegranate fights heart disease because it limits the process of oxidation, and supports the synthesis and activity of nitric oxide, which inhibits the oxidation of LDL (low-density lipoprotein) harmful to the heart. There are numerous studies indicating that compounds in pomegranate contain powerful antioxidants that have anti-inflammatory effects and heart problems.
Pomegranate juice for the treatment of erectile dysfunction
Pomegranate juice was associated with reduced symptoms of erectile dysfunction, which is normal. Pomegranate juice has been shown to be beneficial in increasing blood flow in the body and increasing erection capacity. Scientists discovered that natural pomegranate juice is useful for men's erectile dysfunction because it contains high levels of antioxidants. These substances fight free radicals and have a bad effect on circulation. Pomegranate juice also appears to reduce arterial plaque, another possible cause of erectile dysfunction.
Note: Pomegranate also contains antibacterial and antiviral properties, which may be useful against common diseases in the gums.

Keto: Cabbage Garri aka Flakes recipe
Keto diet like we already know is a low carb (carbohydrates) diet and if you are a Nigerian, you sure know that most of our regular food start and end with carbs as the case maybe. To successfully practice Keto diet at it maximum best, creativity must play a vital role as yam, garri, bread, rice, semo, Irish and sweet potatoes are a big NO as they are not Keto compliant.
Click here for more information on the New Trend called Ketogenic Diet
Most people are willing to go the Keto way but, how to go about the no or low carb is the challenge that has discouraged and prevented so many and those contemplating are not left out.
Like I said earlier, creativity does it with Keto. Be ready to play around with the limited Keto compliant food at your reach and you will be good to go.
Cabbage is a veggie that you can not ignore if you are on Keto diet. Loads of recipes are flying everywhere, from cabbage rice, swallow, moi-moi to cabbage garri.
Will share the cabbage garri recipe. It is so easy to make and taste yummmy too.

Cabbage Garri Recipe


  • Cabbage
  • Milk or mayonnaise (Keto compliant)
  • Stevia(optional)


  1. Wash cabbage toughly.
  2. Cut cabbage.
  3. Blend cabbage in a blender till it's smooth.
  4. Squeeze out the water completely from the cabbage.
  5. Add milk or mayonnaise.
  6. Also add stevia for sweeten and your cabbage garri is ready.

Note: Cabbage has this smell that most people can't stand. Well, white vinegar will do the magic. Wash the cabbage using white vinegar. Cabbage garri can be enjoyed with groundnuts or cashew nuts.
Have tried cabbage garri before?
Will be glad to read your questions and comments.
Image Source: Tori Avey
Dates are packed with vitamins and rich source of iron. It facilitates fight against constipation(consists of natural fibre), helps deal with anemia and a good source of potassium.
Click for more information on Unbelievable Benefits of Dabino (Dates)
Dates can be eaten as stand alone snack before meal, eaten with coconut or added as an ingredient in smoothies.
Date is a very sweet fruit that is been used as a sweetener in recent times. Its gradually replacing the use of sugar and honey as sweeteners in most due to amazing benefits.
Dates can be gotten from stores or local markets as it comes in different variety fresh, dry, brown or red.
Date syrup can be used as a sweetener in place of sugar in your 8months+ baby, children's meals, smoothies and so on because of it delicious taste.
Date fruits
1. Remove seed from the dates and wash.
2. Soak the dates in 1 cup of hot water in a bowl for 10 minutes or more until it is soft.
Some dates needs more soaking, soak it until the dates are soft enough.
3. Heat it for 2 minutes and cooled down.
4. Mash the dates well with your hand or with spoon.
5. Use a small sieve or a cheese cloth to strain and squeeze out the juice completely out of the mashed dates.
Click for more information on DIY: How To Make Apple Cider Vinegar(ACV) Right In Your Home
6. Repeat the process with little water if necessary, then pour in a pan.
7. Place on low to medium heat and allow to boil.
8. Stir it occasionally to prevent burning at the bottom until it becomes quite dark, thick and reached a honey like consistency.
9. Turn off heat and viola your dates syrup is ready for use.
Note: Keep it refrigerated and consume with in few weeks.

Image Source: Mind42
Learning disability (LD) is a type of difficulty to learn. It takes place whilst someone with average or above average thinking or reasoning abilities has a problem acquiring certain abilities.
It is a specific difficulty in a specific area (eg: mathematics, reading), can vary from slight to extreme, not an intellectual deficiency (referred to as mental retardation in the past). Intellectual disability causes learning problems in many areas.
Most learning disabilities are present from birth and result from the way the child's brain develops. A child may also develop a learning disability after a brain injury or other brain problem (such as epilepsy). Learning disabilities are not because of parental incompetence, poverty or lack of motivation of the child (although these factors may actually have an effect on learning).
There is no "remedy" for learning disabilities, and does not depart with age. But, with help, children and young adults can learn to successfully control Learning disability (LD) is a type of difficulty to learn. It takes place whilst someone with average or above average thinking or reasoning abilities has a problem acquiring certain abilities.
It is a specific difficulty in a specific area (eg, mathematics, reading), can vary from slight to extreme, not an intellectual deficiency (referred to as mental retardation in the past). Intellectual disability causes learning problems in many areas.
Most learning disabilities are present from birth and result from the way the child's brain develops. A child may also develop a learning disability after a brain injury or other brain problem (such as epilepsy). Learning disabilities are not because of parental incompetence, poverty or lack of motivation of the child (although these factors may actually have an effect on learning). There is no "remedy" for learning disabilities, and does not depart with age. But, with help, children and young adults can learn to successfully control LDs of their day to day lives.
Click here on more information on How to Help Your Baby's Brain Development

Elements that can cause of learning problems

  • Learning disabilities.
  • Poor intellectual talents (thinking and reasoning troubles in many ways).
  • Strain related to feelings.
  • Behavioral troubles.

Types of Learning Disabilities

kids and youngsters with mastering disabilities may have problems in:
Reading: phonetics, word reputation (recognition) or know-how of printed text.
Writing: spelling, sentence formation, grammar, use of punctuation, expression of ideas in writing.
Arithmatics: reasoning, mathematical operations such as addition, subtraction, Multiplication and division.
Organization and concentration
These "executive functions" enable us to plot (plan), anticipate and be attentive. Difficulties in these areas can have a great impact on our learning and on how we manage our daily lives. Some students with learning disabilities may have difficulty organizing their schedules, completing assignments, recalling assessments
and work to be done in the near future. Some students may even misplace their homework, books, clothes, or lunch boxes.
Some people view ADHD as a learning disability because ADHD affects these "executive features." Most professionals and school boards do not see ADHD as a learning disability.
Social skills
Learning to work and play with others is an important skill. Children and adolescents who have difficulty interpreting social cues, facial expressions, and body language may have difficulty making friends and getting along with others in school. These social difficulties are not part of learning disabilities. But the children who live with them can benefit from educational programs that include social skills building activities.
Click here for more information on Foods that are Harmful to Your Child Brain Development

The Impact of Learning Disabilities

Learning disabilities can have serious consequences in a child's life because so much depends on learning in a child's life, whether at home, at school or with others . But, the largest effect is in school. Kids and adolescents with reading and writing difficulties will need help in subjects which include history, geography, technological know-how (science) and the art of language.

A learning disability may be even more evident when teachers use methods that make learning even more difficult for children or teenagers.
Note: Teaching using oral expression or lecture technique, with out a visual aids (which include diagrams or written textual content), can make learning tough for students who're "visual" learners. Children with writing disorders have problems in classes which has it emphasis on writing.
An adapted environment can really improve the learning potential of children and adolescents with BD. Some people believe that the main problem lies in our education system where teaching is done in a
single way, making it greatly difficult for the kid or adolescent who learns in other approaches. The effect of a learning disability additionally relies upon on the child and the frequency of a learning mode inadequate to his / her lifestyles.

Youngsters and teens with a learning disability that affects reading and writing can be very successful in other topics inclusive of arithmetic, physics, recreation, track, dance, design or construction. In addition, children and adolescents with disorders that affect math skills can be skilled in reading and writing subjects.

Students with learning disabilities can have poor grades in a single discipline. For example, a student who is successful in all subjects but has problems in mathematics. Put a lot of effort(extra than most students) to get bypass marks. for instance, a student who commonly has B but who must work very hard to have the passing grade in the language arts.

Steps to Take if You Think Your Child has a Learning Disability

  • Examination of hearing and vision.
  • Take your child to your family doctor or pediatrician.
  • You can additionally take him/her to an optometrist for an eye exam.
  • Share your concerns at school. School may have psychologists who can assess your child (psycho-educational assessment).
  • You can also get a private practice psychologist. In case your child speaks two  languages (for example, Yoruba and English), try to find a psychologist who speaks both languages. Your child may additionally have a learning disability in your second language.

Raise a Child or Youth with a Learning Disability

  • Adjust your expectations about the abilities of your child or adolescent. Children and adolescents perform properly if they are able to. If they're not, it can be because of the learning disability that prevents them from meeting parents' expectations.
  • Be patient as much as possible. Learning disability is a problem of "connecting" the brain, it's not your child's fault.
  • Embrace and encourage your child's strengths, talents and interest. You could also use the interests of your child to help him / her at school. For example, if your child has issue reading, but loves hockey, books approximately hockey can help him to work on his reading skills.
  • Focus on effort and process, rather than on notes or the "result".
  • Reduce workload. Some school students may perform better at school, if the course load is reduced.
  • Completing his studies a little later is not a problem; Many school students take one more year for a variety of reasons. The most important thing is to have a degree, not the time it takes to have it.
  • Avoid your child being "characterized" by his or her learning disability.
  • Share your experience. If you have a learning disability, share your experience and coping strategies. No one will understand better what your child is experiencing than the person who has experienced the same thing.

There are now software program programs capable of: "Read" the textual content aloud. The scholar can thus focus on the means of information instead of seeking to pick out phrases or pronounce them. Changing a speech into written text. Once more, the student can focus on what he wants to express, instead of struggling with spelling and trying to formulate a meaningful phrase.

Few months ago, some of my friends picked up the attitude of posting funny looking food on their social handle with hash tags like #keto, #ketogenicdiet, #ketoworkingwonders and so forth. I was absolutely out of placed due to the fact that I wasn't taken along, maybe due to distance as we stay in different location and I don't have more flesh as they do.
Click here for more Information on Keto Cabbage Garri Recipe
Well, it didn't make much sense until they started losing stomach fat and the body weight they have been struggling with and Ta-Da!!! It became very clear they had been on a food plan.
I without delay became interested by this weight loss plan that works like magic, I joined numerous online groups with the name Ketogenic or Keto.. Lots of before and after pictures that were mind blowing popped up. I was definitely galvanize, however very confused on what the food regimen is all about. So I started my search on ketogenic diet.

History of the ketogenic diet

Do you know that ketogenic diet has existed for almost 100 years and was invented to help epileptics?
The treatment of epilepsy some century ago is what brought about this diet called ketogenic. In fact, it was the number one treatment for epilepsy.
The ketogenic diet, a close cousin of the low-carb food plan, was invented in 1921 by Dr. Russel Wilder in Minnesota. He wanted to reproduce the effects of fasting in a regime that could be maintained indefinitely. Fasting had beneficial effects on patients with refractory epilepsy: depriving the brain of sugar seemed to protect it from seizures.
With the arrival of anti-epileptics on the market such as phenobarbital, phenytoin and new drugs, the diet was quickly forgotten.
The ketogenic food plan (diet) returned to the forefront in 1994 thanks to Jim Abrahams, famous American producer of comic films like "There is a pilot on the plane" or "Hotshot".
His son Charlie began his epilepsy about 2 years (in 1993). After seeing 6 doctors, tried many ineffective medications on seizures with disastrous side effects, Jim Abrahams commenced research by himself.
After locating an experiment on the ketogenic eating regimen at the John Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore (northeastern United States in the state of Maryland), Jim took his son there. His son went from a hundred crises a day to zero under 48 hours of Keto eating regimen. Charlie observed the ketogenic diet for 5 years, he's now taken into consideration cured, he's presently studying at the college.

Ketogenic Diet

Ketogenic diet is a food regimen that is very low in carbohydrates and excessive in fats. Even as the intake of carbohydrates is significantly reduced, which goes from sugars (glucose, fructose, white sugar, and so on.) to the starch contained in potatoes, pasta or bread, the liver begins to produce small molecules called "ketones" or "ketone bodies". The body is then "in state of ketosis". The body enters the state of ketosis whilst it lacks glucose, and transforms fat into energy.
These ketones are remarkable source of energy for the entire body tissues. In the absence of most carbohydrates in the diet, ketones will form from the fat to provide energy.
The whole body uses ketones in a safer and more efficient way than the energy source from carbohydrates - sugar, that is, glucose. Our body produces ketones if we adopt a carbohydrate-free or low-carb diet (less than 60 grams of carbohydrates per day). With a diet very low in carbohydrates or no carbohydrates at all, we become keto-adapted.
Under a ketonic diet, carbohydrate consumption is greatly reduced while fat intake is increased to avoid muscle wasting (if the body drew from the proteins there would be a catabolism effect with risks of muscular atrophy).
Fats (fatty acids) become the source of energy for the brain and other organs or tissues. If your carbohydrate intake is high, the hormone insulin makes you end up storing fats and carbohydrates in your adipose tissue. A ketogenic diet is not a diet high in protein, which in this case can also stimulate insulin. It is essentially a diet where you depend mainly on foods of animal origin and especially their fats.

Importance Things to Know About Ketogenic Diet

  1. Ketones are the ideal fuel for our body, unlike glucose which is harmful, less stable, more exciting, but in reality shortens your lifespan.
  2. Ketones are non-glycating, which means they do not have a caramelizing effect, causing the body to age.
  3. Healthy ketosis also helps to starve cancer cells because they can not use ketones as a source of energy, they can only grow with glucose. 
  4. The energy production plants of our cells - the mitochondria - work much better with a ketogenic diet because they can increase energy levels in a stable, efficient, constant with long burning.
  5. The ketogenic diet induces epigenetic changes that increase the energy efficiency of our mitochondria, reducing the production of harmful free radicals and promote the production of GABA - a major brain-inhibiting chemical.
  6. Ketosis also helps to cleanse our cells of proteins that behave like debris which contribute to aging by disrupting the proper functioning of the cell. It achieves this by autophagy - which preserves the health of cells and tissues by replacing cellular components overwhelmed or damaged by new ones. This prevents degenerative diseases, aging, cancer and protects you from microbial infections.
  7. A ketogenic diet does not only rejuvenates you, but also makes it less susceptible to viruses and bacterial infections
  8. The ketogenic diet acts on several levels at once, which no drug has been able to imitate. This is because the mitochondria are specially designed to use fat as a source of energy. When they use fat as an energy source, their toxic load decreases, the expression of energy production genes increases, their energy efficiency increases and the load of inflammatory energy by-products decreases.
You go into ketosis after 3 to 7 days, when you consume less than 30 grams of sugar per day.
Drop your questions if you have any #smile

Look out for the next post... Do's and Dont's of Ketogenic Diet.