One of the natural phenomenon that confront every woman in their early to late 30's is breast sagging. This is a natural occurrence that relatively begins as women grow older, the breasts loses their elasticity and suppleness.
Breasts are not muscles. They are made of fat, connective tissue and milk producing glands which can explain why it droops with time.
Every woman's wish is to have to pair of mammary glands that will not fall out of it beauty. This can explain why so many women now opt for plastic surgery, breast implants or lift and also use a wide variety of cream or lotion that can save the day.

Causes of Sagging/Drooping Breast

The breast if not properly cared for, can sag even before the natural time that it should. This could explain why some women in their early or mid 20's are already facing drooping breast when they shouldn't. Well, some of the causes of breast Sagging apart from age which is a natural factor are:
  • Breastfeeding
  • Pregnancy
  • Rapid weight loss or weight gain
  • Intense physical activity(sports)
  • Nutritional deficiencies
  • Excessive consumption of nicotine, alcohol and soft drinks.

Remedies for lifting Sagging/Drooping Breast

There are lot of alternatives to choose from to either lift or prevent a breast sagging. Here are methods that have been used and proven to be effective:

1. Frozen massage (Ice massage)
Massaging the breast with ice cube is a really effective method of restoring firmness to the breast, because the icy temperature around the breast causes a contraction of the tissues and it  results to firming and lifting of the breasts.
  • Get 2 ice cubes
  • In circular motions massage round each breasts for just a minute only.
  • Dry the breasts with a soft towel.
  • Put on a tight fit bra immediately.
  • Lie on you back to give an extended position for 30 minutes.
  • Repeat this procedure at a regular intervals in a day.
Note: Do not expose your breasts to ice for more than one minute at a time, as this may cause numbness.
2. Shea butter
Another natural ingredient to firm the breasts is shea butter. It is an excellent source of vitamin E that tightens the skin to give your breasts a firmer appearance. In addition, it helps prevent cell damage caused by free radicals.

  • Rub a little shea butter on your breasts.
  • Massage in the upward and circular direction for 10-15 minutes.
  • Leave it on for 10 minutes, then rinse with water.
  • Repeat this 3 to 4 times a week for effective results.

3. Olive oil
Olive oil is an oil known for its amazing benefits. Its also as an excellent technique for firming drooping breasts. Olive oil is a rich source of antioxidants and fatty acids that can reverse the damage caused by free radicals and thus prevent sagging of the breasts. In addition, it will help improve the texture and tone of the skin.

  • Put some olive oil on your palm.
  • Rub palms together to generate heat.
  • Rub your palms on your breasts in an upward movement.
  • Massage gently for about 15 minutes to increase blood circulation and stimulate cell repair.
  • Repeat this procedure at least 4 or 5 times a week.

Note: Amond, argan, avocado, jojoba oil can also be used to massage breasts.
4. Cucumber and egg yolk
Cucumber and egg yolk mask is an incredible remedy for lifting breast. Cucumber has natural properties that help tone the skin, while the egg yolk is rich in proteins and vitamins that has the ability to treat sagging breasts.

  • Blend cucumber into a puree using a blender.
  • Add 1 egg yolk and 1 teaspoon butter or cream into the cucumber puree.
  • Mix altogether to make a paste.
  • Apply the paste on your breasts and leave it on for about 30 minutes.
  • Rinse thoroughly with cold water.
  • Repeat this procedure once a week.

5. Exercises
The integration of a daily exercise routine targeted on breast tissue and pectoral muscles around the chest can greatly help boost breast firmness. During this exercise ensure to always wear a bra while exercising or participating in a sport.

6. Egg white
The astringent properties in egg white makes effective against sagging breast and nourishes the skin. Hydroelectric lipids found in egg white helps to stretch and lift the distended skin around your breasts.
Procedures: 1

  • Whisk 1 egg white until you get a foamy texture.
  • Apply it on your breasts and leave it on for 30 minutes.
  • Wash with cucumber or onion juice, then with cold water.

Procedures: 2

  • Mix 1 egg white, 1 tablespoon of plain yogurt and 1 tablespoon of honey.
  • Make a paste.
  • Apply it on your breasts and leave it on for 20 minutes.
  • Rinse with cold water.

Repeat any of the procedure you choose from, once a week.
7. Fenugreek
Fenugreek contains vitamins and antioxidants that fight free radicals, ideal for tightening and making skin smooth around the breasts. It has always been used to firm sagging breast.
Procedures: 1

  • Mix 1/4 cup of fenugreek powder with water to form thick paste.
  • Massage breast with the paste and leave it on for 5 to 10 minutes.
  • Rinse with lukewarm water.
  • Repeat procedures once or twice a week.

Procedures: 2

  • Get 1/2 cup of yogurt, 10 drops of fenugreek oil, 10 drops of vitamin E oil and 1 egg white.
  • Mix the ingredients together until a smooth paste is formed.
  • Apply the paste over your breasts and rub gently.
  • Leave it on for about 30 minutes.
  • Rinse with cold water.
  • Repeat this once a week.

8. Aloe Vera
Aloe vera is a very good natural tensor of the skin that can help get rid of sagging breasts. Antioxidants in aloe vera can prevent damage caused by free radicals and help to firm breasts naturally.

  • Apply aloe vera gel on your breasts and massage gently in a circular motion for 10 minutes.
  • Leave it on for 10 minutes.
  • Rinse with lukewarm water.
  • Repeat this procedures 4 or 5 times a week for effective results.

Procedures: 2

  • Get 1 tablespoon of aloe vera gel, 1 teaspoon of mayonnaise and honey.
  • Mix ingredients together to make paste.
  • Apply paste on the breasts and leave on for 15 minutes.
  • Rinse first with lukewarm water, then cold water.
  • Repeat this once a week.

9. Almond Oil and Milk Cream Mask
Almond oil is a potent moisturizer and it retains the viscoelastic property of the skin. Lack of moisture in the skin causes it to become loose and nonelastic. The oil provides nutrition to the skin and the moisture is readily absorbed by it. Milk cream is a natural moisturizer that hydrates the skin, making it more supple and healthy.

  • Get 5 tablespoons of milk cream and 2 tablespoons of almond oil.
  • Mix together to make paste.
  • Massage the mixture gently on the breast.
  • Repeat this 3 to 4 times in a week.

Note: You can use coconut oil to massage if you dont have almond oil.

Image Source: Genesee Community College
Avocado oil has a fascinating benefits on skin, hair and even health, like I shared in my previous post. It is used in a good number of beauty products and in professional spas.
Avocado oil can be gotten in beauty shops, but the satisfaction of making your own homemade avocado oil will be amazing as you have saved yourself some money by making it at home.
Extracting avocado's oil come in different methods which may be considered easy or preferred by individuals. Some of the methods of extracting avocado oil range from using an orange press, cold press and heat press.

Click here for more information on The Fascinating Benefits Of Avocado Oil For The Skin And Health

How To Extract Oil From Avocado Pear

Method 1: Using Cold Press
Things Needed
  • Ripe avocado pear (you can start with 4 avocados)
  • A steel tray
  • Spoon
  • Bottle
  • Knife
  • A blender or mortar and pestle
  • Cheese cloth made of cotton or a coffee sieve
  1. Wash avocados to remove impurities.
  2. Cut into two halves to take out the core.
  3. Use spoon to scoop the avocado pulps into a blender and blend until smooth (if you don't have a blender pound in a mortar).
  4. Transfer the blended avocado into a steel tray and spread to make a very thin layer.
  5. Place the tray under the sun until it dark.
  6. Put little portion of the avocado into your cheese cloth.
  7. Tie the cheese cloth, twist and squeeze firmly to extract the oil into a bowl.
  8. Repeat with the remaining avocado.
  9. Pour the extracted oil into a bottle and its ready for use.
Method 2: Using another oil and heat
Things Needed
  • Ripe avocado pear (you can start with 4 avocados)
  • A steel tray
  • Spoon
  • Bottle
  • Knife
  • Heat (Gas cooker or stove)
  • A blender or mortar and pestle
  • Cheese cloth made of cotton or a coffee sieve
  1. Repeat same step from 1 to 3 in method 1.
  2. Place your frying pan on a low heat.
  3. Pour the avocado smoothie into the pan and stirring with spoon for 5mins.
  4. Pour in your desired oil (coconut oil, olive oil, shear butter etc) and continue the stirring process.
  5. As you continue to stir the color changes from green to brown.
  6. Take out of heat and allow to cool off.
  7. Get your cheese cloth, pour in the cold oil. 
  8. Squeeze and twist until you get the last drop of oil
  9. Pour the avocado oil into a bottle and it is ready for use.
The Mayans and the Aztecs had already been enjoying the fascinating benefits of avocado oil  is dated back to 8,000 years ago, Fossilized nuclei and pictorial reproductions of this fruit were found during archaeological excavations at Mayan sites.
The avocado is full of vitamins and minerals. It is rich in vitamins E and C but also contains most of the vitamins of group B (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B8, B9), vitamin A, D and K. Avocado is a source of potassium, magnesium but also iron and trace elements (zinc, copper and manganese). Whether used in its natural form in the diet or as vegetable oil for cosmetic use.
Avocado oil is the natural oil pressed from the pulp of an avocado. It is one of the richest oils for its very generous composition. Very rich in butter oil which has healing properties, it is often recommended to reduce the appearance of stretch marks in local application. In addition, it is quickly absorbed by the skin.
The avocado oil is harvested from the fruit of the avocado itself. Though very thick, it has the advantage of penetrating easily into the skin. Moreover, its very mild odor makes its use rather pleasant. As for composition, the avocado oil is full of essential acids and vitamin E. It is a powerful natural antioxidant, very interesting for the skin. Our current environment tends to increase the production of free radicals. However, in excess, the latter prove to be harmful, favoring in particular the premature aging of the cells of the epidermis. Avocado oil also has many benefits, largely related to its content of antioxidants and healthy fats.

The Fascinating Benefits of Avocado Oil 

Benefits of Avocado Oil For The Skin
Vitamins C (ascorbic acid), E (tocopherols) and provitamin A (carotene) are powerful antioxidants. The avocado is therefore a true ally in the fight against free radicals (against free radicals) and anti-aging.
1. Avocado oil helps reduce the appearance of stretch marks
The fatty acid in avocado oil is therefore nourishing and brings suppleness and elasticity to the skin. These properties make it an excellent ingredient for cosmetics for dry skin: it is identified by the name Persea Gratissima Oil on INCI ingredient lists. Avocado oil is used in the formulation of our Whole Again facial treatment, suitable for very dry to fragile skin, as well as in our eye contour.
2. Avocado oil is excellent for dry skin
In addition to well hydrating, avocado oil has a real regenerating and restructuring action: it helps to stimulate the synthesis of collagen and elastin. It is its natural richness in sterols, phyto-sterols, carotenoids, vitamins (unsaponifiables) and copper which allows it all. It can also be used to make a facial mask suitable for dry skin.
3. Avocado oil reinforces hair fiber
Avocado oil will also make your hair look good! It acts as a real beautifier, reinforcing the hair fibers and bringing shine. You can apply it pure on your tips and lengths, massaging gently. For a complete care before shampoo, mix one egg yolk and one or two tablespoons avocado vegetable oil. Spread the mixture over your hair and leave for an hour. After your shampoo, your hair will be fed and easy to disentangle! Used on the scalp, avocado oil is also known to stimulate shoot.
The Health Benefits of Avocado Oil

1. Rich in oleic acid, a very healthy fat
Nearly 70% of avocado oils consist of oleic acid good for heart health, an omega-9 monounsaturated fatty acid. This fatty acid is also the main component of olive oil, and is believed to be partly responsible for its health benefits
In addition, about 12% of the avocado oil is saturated fat and about 13% is polyunsaturated fat. Although avocado oil has a high content of omega-6 and omega-3, this should not be a concern because the total amount of omega-6 fatty acids is relatively low.
2. Reduces cholesterol and improves heart health
Several studies have reported benefits to the health of the heart. It has been found that avocado oil has beneficial effects on blood cholesterol levels. In addition, avocado oil and olive oil were found to be the most effective in increasing HDL, the "good" cholesterol. Avocado oil can also be beneficial to the health of the heart, including reducing blood cholesterol and blood pressure.
3. Rich in lutein, an antioxidant that has beneficial to the eyes
Avocado oil is a relatively good source of lutein, a carotenoid that is naturally present in your eyes.It works as an antioxidant that has benefits for ocular health.
Consuming a lot of lutein can reduce the risk of cataract and macular degeneration, which are common eye diseases associated with age. Your body does not produce lutein, so you need to get it from your diet.
4. Can reduce the symptoms of arthritis
Arthritis is a painful condition that involves inflammation of the joints. It is very common and affects millions of people around the world.
Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis. It is associated with cartilage degradation in the joints.
Many studies have shown that extracts of avocado oil and soybean oil, can reduce the pain and stiffness associated with osteoarthritis.
5. Can help prevent gum disease
Extracts of avocado oil and soy is not only be beneficial against arthritis. Some data suggest that this combination may also help prevent periodontal disease, also called gum disease. This inflammatory disease may include symptoms such as red gums and bleeding, bad breath and degradation of bones and tissues around the teeth . In the worst case, it can cause tooth loss.
According to a study in bone cells and periodontal tissues, avocado / soya oil can block a protein called IL1B. This protein promotes inflammation and is the main engine of tissue destruction and bone loss in gum disease.

Click here for more information on How To Make Homemade Avocado Oil

6. Improves skin and improves wound healing
A study in 13 patients revealed that a cream containing avocado oil and vitamin B12 improved the symptoms of psoriasis after 12 weeks of treatment.
Avocado oil has also been studied for its ability to treat skin wounds.
7. Neutralizes free radicals
Antioxidants fight cell damage caused by free radicals, which are metabolism waste. High levels of them can lead to oxidative stress, which can contribute to diseases such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease.
Many types of free radicals exist, but radicals derived from oxygen, called reactive oxygen species (ROS), are the most worrying.
Mitochondria, organs of cells that produce energy, are the main sources of ROS. According to one study avocado oil can protect against the harmful effects of free radicals by entering the mitochondria and once in it, it is able to neutralize free radicals and prevent them from damaging this important cell organ.